Over 1000 builders and industry professionals have voted The Overhead Door Company as the
garage door brand with the highest brand familiarity and the brand used most, according to the 2018 Builder Brand Use Study. Revealing the top manufacturers and products that are the best fit for builders current needs, the annual study consists of survey respondents representing a variety of price points, disciplines, and production volumes across 51 building product categories.
“The Overhead Door Brand has remained one of the study’s top choices for builders, developers and contractors for eight years. We’re proud of the products and trust that we’ve earned for nearly a century,” said Heather Meiner, Brand Manager for The Overhead Door Company. “We look forward to the next 100 years of innovative product achievements combined with superior service.”
Product performance and desirable features are the top two priorities in product selection, according to the survey conducted by The Farnsworth Group. Warranty, availability, price, and ease of installation are other important factors recognized when choosing a brand.